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Module 1 - Character Design

Supervising and Grading Faculty member: Federico Solmi


Federico will give a short lecture on development process for characters from his series, King Kong and the End of the World (2006), Douche Bag City(2010), and the Brotherhood(2015). Showing character sketches from the Brotherhood series, and talk about how the relationship between the final character and the original sketches. Assignment - - By the next class, bring 2-5 concept drawings, collages, and/or written description of your character that answer questions such as who is this? why do you care about her or him? where does he or she belong? These materials and your character should guide you toward the narrative. Think of your character as a guide for you to find the narrative. Required reading: Chapter 1 of "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole as reference for the relationship between character, narrative, and environment.

Group critique and discussion of character assignment. Continue working on character development. Assignment : Make another set of concept materials that further develop your character after the critique. Through making more concept materials, you will uncover more about your character and narrative. If you did the written option both times, please bring at least one visual concept sketch to class next week.

Grading parameters: